Date & Time
Price FREE
Koubek Center at Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street
Miami, FL 33135
Phone Number 305.237.7750
Koubek Center and Fundación Cuatrogatos present Picnic de Libros
Picnic de Libros is a bilingual, family day program featuring storytelling, theatre, music, arts and crafts, dance, and picnic baskets full of books, for families to enjoy together.
The upcoming Picnic will feature:
• Puppet-making workshop is back! with Colombian artist Danly Arango
• Creative Stage Productions returns with their amusing array of characters.
• Storytelling with Argentinian actors Leticia Gonzalez and Osqui Guzmán from Noticiero Puro Cuento
• Hip-hop class for kids with Suriname dancer Christian Olmtak